In my last blog I recommended investing in land as the most secured investment in the world. I showed how it is so. I attempted to open your eyes on how to make millions of Cedis by simply buying and selling land. In this blog, I wish to let you get one thing straight about your property right. Just one thing!
In the beginning, God created us in his own image. He gave us the world. He said, "subdue the earth". God did not suggest that we subdue the earth. He commanded us. This very passage from the book of Genesis tells us that the right to property is a fundamental human right that can be traced to the very day we were created. And God did not deny us of this very vital right, the right to own. Who is man, therefore, to deny his or her neighbor of his right to property!
It is God-given. It should not be taken way. It must always be with us, in our waking and sleeping moments. We have the right to own all property that we ever wish for. It is like our right to air. Any attempt to take it is an attempt to take our livelihood.In fact, without a right to own property, we could do nothing that we have ever done.
Think of it. There is not a single war fought in the world that was not as a result of one party attempting to kill his neighbour's right to property. Think of America going to war with Iraq; it was the right to oil. Think of America going to war with Afghanistan; again it was the right to property. I am only giving these as examples because these wars had a global media reportage. But the point is that whenever one man tries to forcefully take another person's right to own property away, it turns bloody.
That is why Constitutions across the world secures property rights. Now, follow me to article 18 of the 1992 Republican Constitution of Ghana. Let's read together. "Every person has the right to own property either alone or in association with others." Therefore, apart from the biblical basis that your right to own property is only human, the mother of all Ghanaian laws further makes it a guaranteed fundamental human right. Period!
In my subsequent blogs I will attempt to show you how all wealth and riches are as a result of the right to own property using land and property as examples. I will show you living examples of people and nations that wallowed in extreme poverty but have been lifted up because they are exercising their property rights, a right you also have and can put to use.
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